Source code for opslib.icsec2

IcsEc2: Library for EC2

| This is the IcsEc2 common library. |

from operator import attrgetter
from time import time, mktime, sleep, gmtime, strftime, strptime

from boto.ec2 import get_region
from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
from boto.vpc import connect_to_region as vpc_connect_to_region
from opslib.icsexception import IcsEc2Exception

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IcsEc2(EC2Connection): """ ICS Library for EC2 """
[docs] def __init__(self, region, **kwargs): super(IcsEc2, self).__init__( region=get_region(region), **kwargs)
[docs] def get_instance_attribute(self, instance_id, attr_name): """ Get the attribute value of an instance. :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :type attr_name: string :param attr_name: the name of the instance attribute, details shown as below: :ivar id: The unique ID of the Instance. :ivar groups: A list of Group objects representing the security groups associated with the instance. :ivar public_dns_name: The public dns name of the instance. :ivar private_dns_name: The private dns name of the instance. :ivar state: The string representation of the instance's current state. :ivar state_code: An integer representation of the instance's current state. :ivar previous_state: The string representation of the instance's previous state. :ivar previous_state_code: An integer representation of the instance's current state. :ivar key_name: The name of the SSH key associated with the instance. :ivar instance_type: The type of instance (e.g. m1.small). :ivar launch_time: The time the instance was launched. :ivar image_id: The ID of the AMI used to launch this instance. :ivar placement: The availability zone in which the instance is running. :ivar placement_group: The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances). :ivar placement_tenancy: The tenancy of the instance, if the instance is running within a VPC. An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on a single-tenant hardware. :ivar kernel: The kernel associated with the instance. :ivar ramdisk: The ramdisk associated with the instance. :ivar architecture: The architecture of the image (i386|x86_64). :ivar hypervisor: The hypervisor used. :ivar virtualization_type: The type of virtualization used. :ivar product_codes: A list of product codes associated with this instance. :ivar ami_launch_index: This instances position within it's launch group. :ivar monitored: A boolean indicating whether monitoring is enabled or not. :ivar monitoring_state: A string value that contains the actual value of the monitoring element returned by EC2. :ivar spot_instance_request_id: The ID of the spot instance request if this is a spot instance. :ivar subnet_id: The VPC Subnet ID, if running in VPC. :ivar vpc_id: The VPC ID, if running in VPC. :ivar private_ip_address: The private IP address of the instance. :ivar ip_address: The public IP address of the instance. :ivar platform: Platform of the instance (e.g. Windows) :ivar root_device_name: The name of the root device. :ivar root_device_type: The root device type (ebs|instance-store). :ivar block_device_mapping: The Block Device Mapping for the instance. :ivar state_reason: The reason for the most recent state transition. :ivar groups: List of security Groups associated with the instance. :ivar interfaces: List of Elastic Network Interfaces associated with this instance. :ivar ebs_optimized: Whether instance is using optimized EBS volumes or not. :ivar instance_profile: A Python dict containing the instance profile id and arn associated with this instance. """ if not isinstance(instance_id, basestring): raise IcsEc2Exception( "instance_id should be a 'str' not %s" % type(instance_id)) if not isinstance(attr_name, basestring): raise IcsEc2Exception( "attr_name should be a 'str' not %s" % type(attr_name)) resource = self.get_all_instances(instance_ids=instance_id)[0] instance = resource.instances[0] return attrgetter(attr_name)(instance)
[docs] def get_public_address(self, instance_id): """ Get the public IPv4 address of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: string :return: a string containing the public IPv4 address """ return self.get_instance_attribute(instance_id, "ip_address")
[docs] def get_private_address(self, instance_id): """ Get the private IPv4 address of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: string :return: a string containing the private IPv4 address """ return self.get_instance_attribute(instance_id, "private_ip_address")
[docs] def get_public_dns(self, instance_id): """ Get the public dns address of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: string :return: a string containing the public dns address """ return self.get_instance_attribute(instance_id, "public_dns_name")
[docs] def get_private_dns(self, instance_id): """ Get the private dns address of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: string :return: a string containing the private IPv4 address """ return self.get_instance_attribute(instance_id, "private_dns_name")
[docs] def get_instance_tags(self, instance_id): """ Get tags of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: dict :return: a dictionary containing the tags of this instance """ tags = self.get_all_tags(filters={"resource-id": instance_id}) ret = {} for tag in tags: ret.update({ tag.value}) return ret
[docs] def add_instance_tags(self, instance_id, tags): """ Add tags to the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' """ return self.create_tags(instance_id, tags)
[docs] def del_instance_tags(self, instance_id, tags): """ Remove tags of the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' """ return self.delete_tags(instance_id, tags)
[docs] def get_eips_from_addr(self, eip_list): """ Get EIP objects via the list of EIP addresses :type eip_list: list :param eip_list: the list of EIP addresses :rtype: class :return: EIP objects in boto """ return self.get_all_addresses( filters={'public-ip': eip_list})
[docs] def get_eips_from_instance(self, instance_id): """ Get EIP objects via the instance id :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: class :return: EIP objects in boto """ return self.get_all_addresses( filters={'instance-id': instance_id})
[docs] def get_instance_event(self, instance_id): """ Get the event of the specified instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' """ result = self.get_all_instance_status( instance_ids=instance_id) return result[0].events
[docs] def get_instance_status(self, instance_id): """ Get the instance status and system status of the specified instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: tuple :return: a tuple contains (instance_status, system_status) """ inst_status = self.get_all_instance_status( instance_ids=instance_id) return (inst_status[0].instance_status.status, inst_status[0].system_status.status)
[docs] def is_instance_healthy(self, instance_id): """ check the health of the specified instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: boolean :return: True/False """ result = self.get_instance_status(instance_id) if result[0].lower() == "ok" and result[1].lower() == "ok": return True else: return False
[docs] def is_eip_free(self, eip): """ check the availability of the specified EIP address: free or not :type eip: string :param eip: one EIP address :rtype: tuple :return: (True/False, EIP object/None) """ eip_ops = self.get_eips_from_addr(eip) if not eip_ops: return (False, None) eip_op = eip_ops[0] if eip_op.public_ip != eip: raise IcsEc2Exception( "the real eip address %s is not equal to the expected one %s" % (eip_op.public_ip, eip)) if eip_op.instance_id: return (False, eip_op) else: return (True, eip_op)
[docs] def bind_eip(self, eip, instance_id): """ Bind EIP address to the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: bool :return: success or raise IcsEc2Exception """ if isinstance(eip, list): raise IcsEc2Exception( "cannot associate multiple eips '%s' to one instance '%s'" % (eip, instance_id)) result, eipop = self.is_eip_free(eip) if result:"the eip address " + "'%s' will be associated " % eip + "with this instance '%s'" % instance_id) if eipop.domain == "vpc": self.associate_address( instance_id=instance_id, allocation_id=eipop.allocation_id) else: eipop.associate(instance_id=instance_id) elif eipop.instance_id != instance_id: log.warning( "this eip '%s' has been associated with another '%s'" % (eip, eipop.instance_id)) return False else:"the eip address " + "'%s' has been associated " % eip + "with this instance '%s'" % instance_id) return True result, eipop = self.is_eip_free(eip) return not result and eipop.instance_id == instance_id
[docs] def free_eip(self, eip, instance_id): """ Free EIP address to the instance :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: bool :return: success or raise IcsEc2Exception """ if isinstance(eip, list): raise IcsEc2Exception( "cannot free multiple eips '%s' to one instance '%s'" % (eip, instance_id)) result, eipop = self.is_eip_free(eip) if result: log.warning("this eip '%s' is not associated with '%s'" % (eip, instance_id)) return True elif eipop.instance_id != instance_id: log.warning( "this eip '%s' has been associated with another '%s'" % (eip, eipop.instance_id)) return True"the eip address " + "'%s' will be disassociated with this instance '%s'" % (eip, instance_id)) eipop.disassociate() return self.is_eip_free(eip)[0]
[docs] def get_volumes_by_instance(self, instance_id): """ Get boto Volume Objects by instance Id :type instance_id: string :param instance_id: EC2 instance id startwith 'i-xxxxxxx' :rtype: list :return: list of boto volume objects """ return self.get_all_volumes(filters={'instance-id': instance_id})
[docs] def take_snapshot(self, volume_id, description=None, tags=None): """ Take a snapshot to existing volume with specific tags :type volume_id: string :param volume_id: EC2 volume id startwith 'vol-xxxxxxx' :type description: string :param description: words to describe the usage of this snapshot :type tags: dict :param tags: snapshot tags like {'Name': 'XXX'} :rtype: class :return: boto snapshot object """ if tags is None: tags = {} snapshot = self.create_snapshot(volume_id, description) tags.update({'VolumeId': volume_id}) timestamp = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", gmtime()) tags.update({'Timestamp': timestamp}) for name, value in tags.iteritems(): if not name.startswith('tag:'): name = name.replace('_', '-') else: name = name.replace('tag:', '') snapshot.add_tag(name, value) return snapshot
[docs] def format_tags(tags): """ Convert {"Name": "XXX"} to {"tag:Name": "XXX"} """ new_tags = {} for name, value in tags.iteritems(): if not name.startswith('tag:'): name = 'tag:'.join(["", name]) new_tags[name] = value return new_tags
[docs] def find_snapshot_by_tags(self, tags): """ Find a snapshot by specific tags :type tags: dict :param tags: snapshot tags like {'Name': 'XXX'} :rtype: list :return: list of boto snapshot objects """ tags = self.format_tags(tags) # FIXME: only used for Cassandra if 'tag:Timestamp' in tags and tags['tag:Timestamp'] == '0': refined_tags = {} refined_tags['tag:Role'] = tags['tag:Role'] refined_tags['tag:Timestamp'] = tags['tag:Timestamp'] tags = refined_tags return self.get_all_snapshots(filters=self.format_tags(tags))
[docs] def fetch_latest_snapshot(self, snapshots): """ Find the latest Snapshot """ timestamps = [snapshot.tags['Timestamp'] for snapshot in snapshots] return snapshots[timestamps.index(max(timestamps))]
[docs] def fetch_snapid_by_tags(self, **tags): """ Find the Snapshot Id by specific tags :type tags: dict :param tags: snapshot tags like {'Name': 'XXX'} :rtype: string :return: Snapshot Id """ # FIXME: if tag:Timestamp == latest, then flag = True flag = False tags = self.format_tags(tags) # FIXME: hard-coded string in tags if 'tag:Timestamp' in tags and \ tags['tag:Timestamp'].lower() == 'latest': del tags['tag:Timestamp'] flag = True snapshots = self.find_snapshot_by_tags(tags) if not snapshots: return None elif len(snapshots) > 1: # FIXME: hard-coded string in tags if not flag: return None snapshot = self.fetch_latest_snapshot(snapshots) if not snapshot: return None else: return else: return snapshots[0].id
[docs] def clean_snapshots(self, tags, duration): """ Clean up snapshots by specific tags and duration :type tags: dict :param tags: snapshot tags like .. code-block:: javascript { "Name": "XXX" } :type duration: int :param duration: seconds :rtype: list :return: list of cleaned snapshot ids """ snapshots = self.find_snapshot_by_tags(self.format_tags(tags)) deleted_ids = [] for snapshot in snapshots: if 'Timestamp' in snapshot.tags: try: tmp_time = strptime(snapshot.tags[ 'Timestamp'], "%Y%m%d-%H%M") timestamp = mktime(tmp_time) except Exception, e: log.error(e) continue now = mktime(gmtime()) if now - timestamp > duration: deleted_ids.append( self.del_snapshot( return deleted_ids
[docs] def del_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): """ Delete snapshots by snapshot_id :type snapshot_id: string :param snapshot_id: snapshot Id like 'snap-xxxxxx' :rtype: boolean :return: true, false, exception """ return self.delete_snapshot(snapshot_id)
[docs] def find_ami_by_tags(self, tags): """ Find AMI by specific tags :type tags: dict :param tags: AMI tags like {'Name': 'XXX'} :rtype: list :return: list of boto image objects """ return self.get_all_images(filters=self.format_tags(tags))
[docs] def fetch_imageid_by_tags(self, **tags): """ Fetch the Image Id by specific tags :type tags: dict :param tags: AMI tags like {'Name': 'XXX'} :rtype: string :return: Image Id """ images = self.find_ami_by_tags(self.format_tags(tags)) if not images: return None elif len(images) > 1: return None else: return images[0].id
[docs] def get_all_zones(self): """ Get all Availability Zones under this region :rtype: list :return: list of availability zones in this region """ return [ for zone in super(IcsEc2, self).get_all_zones()]
[docs] def size_of_all_zones(self): """ Get the number of all Availability Zones under this region :rtype: int :return: number of availability zones in this region """ zone_list = self.get_all_zones() if zone_list: return len(zone_list) else: return 0
[docs] def get_sgroup(self, name, vpc_id=None): """ Get Security Group Name (if Ec2) / Id (if Vpc) :param name: security group name :type name: string :param vpc_id: vpc id :type vpc_id: string :rtype: string :return: security group id """ if vpc_id is None: return name else: filters = {'vpc-id': vpc_id, 'group-name': name} group = self.get_all_security_groups(filters=filters) if group and isinstance(group, list): return group[0].id else: return None
[docs] def get_security_group_id(self, name, vpc_id=None): """ Get security group id :param name: security group name :type name: string :param vpc_id: vpc id :type vpc_id: string :rtype: string :return: security group id """ if vpc_id: filters = {'vpc-id': vpc_id, 'group-name': name} else: filters = {'group-name': name} group = self.get_all_security_groups(filters=filters) if group: return group[0].id else: return None
[docs] def get_az_from_subnet_id(self, subnet_id=None): """ Get the name of Availability Zone by its Subnet Id :type subnet_id: string :param subnet_id: subnet id :rtype: string :return: availability zone name """ if subnet_id is None: return self.get_all_zones() vpc = vpc_connect_to_region( subnets = vpc.get_all_subnets(subnet_id) if subnets and isinstance(subnets, list): return [subnets[0].availability_zone] else: return None
[docs] def get_zone_name_for_cassandra(self, index): """ Get the name of Availability Zone for Cassandra :type index: int :param index: the index of cassandra instance :rtype: string :return: zone name like "us-west-2a" """ zone_list = self.get_all_zones() zone_size = self.size_of_all_zones() return zone_list[(int(index) - 1) % zone_size]
[docs] def get_zone_index_for_cassandra(self, index): """ Get the index of Availability Zone for Cassandra :type index: int :param index: the index of cassandra instance :rtype: string :return: zone index like "1" """ zone_size = self.size_of_all_zones() return str((int(index) - 1) / zone_size + 1)
[docs] def get_zone_suffix_for_cassandra(self, index): """ Get the suffix of Availability Zone for Cassandra :type index: int :param index: the index of cassandra instance :rtype: string :return: zone suffix like "a-1" """ return "-".join([self.get_zone_name_for_cassandra(index)[-1], self.get_zone_index_for_cassandra(index)]) # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
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