Getting Started with OpsLib

This tutorial will walk you through installing and configuring OpsLib, as well how to use it to make API calls.

This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Python & that you have registered for an Amazon Web Services account. You’ll need retrieve your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from the web-based console.

Installing OpsLib

You can use pip to install the latest released version of OpsLib:

pip install opslib

Configuring OpsLib Credentials

You have a few options for configuring OpsLib For this tutorial, we’ll be using a configuration file.

Default Configuration

There is a file with these contents:

aws_access_key_id =
aws_secret_access_key =

num_retries = 5
http_socket_timeout = 70
metadata_service_num_attempts = 5
metadata_service_timeout = 70

Please fill in Credentials section with your AWS credentials. If you would like to use IAM Role, just let it be empty here.

Customized Configuration

For your own customized configuration, follow the format with the default configuration above show the path to opslib module when you try to import it:

import opslib

Logging Configuration

By default, when you import opslib module, it will not enable console output or write logs to log file. So you have to enable it by yourself:

import opslib
opslib.init_logging(name="log_handler", logfile="/path/your_log_file",
                    console=True, loglevel="info")

Next Steps

For many of the services that OpsLib supports, there are tutorials as well as detailed API documentation. If you are interested in a specific service, the tutorial for the service is a good starting point. For instance, if you’d like more information on IcsEc2, check out the IcsEc2 API reference.

Here comes an example - we need to fetch all the tags of instance “i-123456” in “us-east-1” region:

import opslib
from opslib.icsec2 import IcsEc2
ec2 = IcsEc2("us-east-1")
tags = ec2.get_instance_tags("i-12345678")
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